Building for the Future Toolkit:

A Guide to Municipal Restructuring

Municipalities across PEI are facing more and more challenges in providing an appropriate level of service to their communities. At the same time, federal and provincial government standards are changing and local residents’ expectations about having a local voice in government are growing.  The Federation of PEI Municipalities has developed this toolkit to support municipal councils that would like to explore options for building a more sustainable future through restructuring. 


Section 1: Information Gathering for Change Discussion
In this section you and your Council can step through a process of considering your current circumstances and what key factors you want to address.

*Download Word Document


Section 2: Partner Identification and Outreach
In this section you will walk through the process of identifying potential municipal partners and how to reach out to them.


Section 3: Getting Started and Working Together
In this section you will step through the process of how to work with other municipalities to apply for funding for a growth management study.

*Download Word Document


Section 4: Appendices
A: Why Create Change
B: Hiring a Facilitator/Consultant