Do we need to change?
What are the current challenges?

Video: brief introduction into the municipal governance system in PEI and the presentation touches on some of the issues and challenge as well as the importance of strengthening local capacity.

The video was first presented to the Federation of Agriculture in January 2015.
The video is only 23 minutes long:

Frequently Asked Questions About Municipal Restructuring:


What would a stronger municipality mean for our community?
Municipalities Build Communities:


What are the changes to the municipal legislation?
What impact will the changes have on our municipality?

There is a new Municipal Government Act and regulations are being developed. This new Act increases expectations regarding good governance, financial accountability, administration and service delivery while providing municipalities with greater authority, flexibility and discretion. See:


Are we sustainable given current and future demands?

Municipal Viability Self-Assessment Toolkit – Step 1 – Creating a Sustainability Snapshot
Federation of PEI Municipalities – Resources – Cooperation and Restructuring le/Viability_Toolkit-Complete-FOR-WEB%20ALL%20 LOGOS.pdf


How do we find out what our residents want/ need for their future?
How do we find out what our residents are thinking?

Questions Our Community Members May Have – Frequently Asked Questions About Municipal Restructuring – 2016 document:

Community Engagement – find out what others think

  • Focus groups – small (8-10) person groups gathered together to discuss a few key items to get more depth of information. These sessions don’t represent your entire population but may give you insight into issues. Can also be used to explore a topic to create better choice options for use in a survey.
  • Coffee table sessions – a small number of friends/neighbours gather at a home to discuss a few key issues in depth. An outside person can attend to pose the questions and gather the responses. This is also a good way to get detailed information to key people in your community. It creates the opportunity for clearing up myths and misinformation as well as identifying and recruiting champions or leaders.
  • Surveys – surveys can reach a lot of people but the wording of questions and the design of the survey must be carefully done to achieve the goals you have in gathering information. A combination of online survey and paper/telephone survey options may be needed if you want to hear from the majority of your residents. Surveys are good for gathering a lot of information and some opinions but does not provide for much depth of information.
  • Facilitated community meetings/town hall meetings – these types of community engagement events need to be carefully organized and facilitated to allow for good community input without becoming a polarized event where true discussion gets shut down. Keep in mind that many community members will not attend public meetings.


Can we get some help with information gathering?

Contact: Municipal Affairs at: (902) 620-3558 for support and funding information.
If your municipality has the funds to hire a facilitator or someone to gather needed information, see Hiring a Facilitator-Consultant.


How many people live in our municipality? What is the real property assessment for our municipality?

  • Meeting minimum population (4000 people) and total assessments of real properties – tax base – ($200 million) requirements for new municipalities

For a customized map showing municipality boundaries and populations, contact:

Samantha Murphy
Communities, Land and Environment
Municipal Affairs and Provincial Planning
Tel: (902) 368-5892

For information on populations and total assessment of real property in municipalities: les/publications/cle-stats12-13. pdf

To identify populations and total assessments of real properties for a particular area (including unincorporated areas) you can access the most up to date map and information by contacting: Municipal Affairs, 902-368-3558


How do we go about creating an official plan and bylaws?

Adopting a New Plan and Bylaws:

Creating and Amending Bylaws:


What should be included in a municipal emergency plan?

Municipal Emergency Management Guide
Federation of PEI Municipalities – Resources – Additional Resources


Can we get funding support for a Municipal Growth Management Study?

Funding for Municipal Growth Management Studies is being offered to support ongoing municipal efforts to address and build municipal capacity. Approved applications are eligible for funds to contract professional services to complete a Growth Management Study.

For a copy of the Application and Application Guide, go to: environment/viable-municipalities-pei 

or for more information, call Municipal Affairs at: (902) 620-3558